Episode 41 – 10 Badassery Principles – LOA Uncorked Outtake Episode

We went into the vault for this episode!  Listen in on a pre-pandemic recording of the LOA Uncorked Badassey Principles to live by! The recording was done on a blustery Saturday in Seattle and was intended to be released as a video. The LOA gals have never released the video but some of the video clips have been shared.  It was a fun episode and we are thrilled to share the principles and the conversation with you all.   

LOA Uncorked Uplevel Assignment: 

  • Live in your own badassery! 

Podcast References: 

  • https://loauncorked.com/top-ten-badassery-principles/ 

As always, thanks for listening and we look forward to sharing more LOA badassery conversations with you!  Please consider leaving a review and subscribing or dropping us a note to say hi and share your thoughts. 

www.loauncorked.com  l  loauncorked@gmail.com  I  Insta: @loauncorked  I  FB: loauncorked 

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